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User authentication

Automatically log your users into your embedded community as members.

This requires signing a JSON Web Token (JWT) with your app secret (see Getting started for info on obtaining yours) so that only your server can authenticate users.

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JSON Web Token

Once you have your app secret, you need to sign a token on your server that matches the shape below. The details should correspond to your logged in user's details.

  "sub": "user@example.com",
  "name": "Name", // optional, populates profile on first login
  "image": "https://example.com/user/avatar.png" // optional, populates profile on first login

There are many libraries that you can pick from for your backend programming language — you can see a list of recommended ones by Auth0 / Okta. If you want to generate and debug tokens for testing, try the JWT.io debugger by Auth0 / Okta.


Here is an example of signing your token using a Node.js and the jose NPM package.

import { SignJWT } from "jose";

const jwt = await new SignJWT({
  sub: "user@email.com",
  name: "Name",
  image: "https://yourapp.com/user/avatar",
  .setProtectedHeader({ alg: "HS256", type: "JWT" })
  .sign(new TextEncoder().encode(process.env.HALL_APP_SECRET));


Given that you need to sign the token on your server, the way you use the token depends on whether or not you are rendering your application server-side or client-side. See examples for your chosen integration:

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