
Self-serve help and support between customers

Empower customers to share product knowledge, resolve support issues together, and build a self-serve knowledgebase.

Build a self-serve support knowledgebase

Capture invaluable customer-created help content to increase self-service and reduce overall support volume.

Maren Franci
Maren Franci
Connecting Commit to GitHub enterprise account
I’m trying to set up the Commit application to sync with my company’s GitHub Enterprise repository, but I’m running into issues with the configuration. When I enter my GitHub Enterprise URL and login credentials, Commit gives an error saying it cannot connect to the server.

Create your support community

All the features you need to start collaborating on product with customers.


Visualize the status of a question to see if its awaiting a response.

Mark as solved

Members and admins can mark a comment as the solution to a question.

Survey self-serve intent

Survey and capture whether a question has helped other visitors.


Members and admins can mark a comment as the solution to a question.


Automatically notify customers when a new comment is added to a question.

Built by the team with years of experience at customer-obsessed companies

Create a support community for free

Start connecting customers to get help and resolve issues together.