
Capture ideas and build product with customers

Invite ideas and feedback from your customers to gather invaluable product insights.

Collect feedback from customers

Create spaces for customers to share ideas, requests, feedback, and suggestions.

Customer-influenced prioritization

Inform your roadmap by quantifying customer support for an idea or feature.

Provide roadmap transparency

Set expectations and communicate transparency by displaying the status of an idea.

Collaborate with customers on product

Create a single destination for customers to share ideas, feel heard, and drive retention and advocacy.

Marcus Aminoff
Marcus Aminoff
Git stash visualization and management
When working on multiple features or fixes at once, I often use git stash to stash away changes before switching branches. However, it can get messy keeping track of multiple stashes. It would be really helpful if Commit had a dedicated stash visualization and management interface.

Create your feedback community

All the features you need to start collaborating on product with customers.


Enable customers show their support of an idea or request by adding a vote.


Define statuses for ideas to communicate progress and transparency.


Automatically notify customers when an idea changes status, or when a comment is added.


Invite discussion on ideas from customers with comments.

Productboard integration

Send ideas to Productboard for further prioritization and analysis.

Built by the team with years of experience at customer-obsessed companies

Start collaborating with customers

Gather invaluable insights from your customers with a feedback community.