
Create a public, searchable site for your Discord server

Turn your Discord forum channels into a branded community site, fully searchable by customers and search engines.

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Self-serve support with SEO-enabled discovery

Enable customers to self-serve answers by leveraging Discord conversations to rank in Google searches and drive new traffic.

Build a knowledgebase of Discord discussions

Start capturing valuable support answers and customer discussions that would otherwise be lost.

Chad Jones
Chad Jones
View in Discord
Managing API rate limit requests
Bec Rodgers
Bec Rodgers
View in Discord
Help with rolling out platform to entire organization

Create a branded community site for your Discord server

Screenshot of the Discord feed
Your own domain

Host your community site on your own personalized domain name.


Theme and style your community site to match your company's brand.


Support for Google's new search algorithm prioritizes conversations and discussions.

Get set up in minutes

Create and customize your community site, then add Hall to your Discord server.

Screenshot of forum channels from Discord
Sync Discord forum channels

Install the Hall app for Discord and select the forum channels you want to sync from the admin dashboard.

Screenshot of app actions within Discord
Push conversations from Discord

Automatically sync every thread, or manually push threads to your community site from within Discord.

Discord member profiles

Display member information from Discord with privacy-focused controls.

Search Discord forum channels

Discover and search Discord forum channels synced to your community site.

View in Discord

Permalink to original conversations in Discord from within your community site.

Built by the team with years of experience at customer-obsessed companies

Start a Discord community site

Create your own branded, fully searchable, Discord community site in just minutes – for free.