Guides What is Community Manager Appreciation Day?

What is Community Manager Appreciation Day?

Last updatedJanuary 20, 2024
AuthorKai Forsyth

Behind every thriving online community, there’s a dedicated community manager working tirelessly to keep things running smoothly. These unsung heroes are the glue that holds communities together, fostering engagement, creating content, and ensuring a positive experience for all members. And yet, their hard work often goes unnoticed. That’s where Community Manager Appreciation Day (CMAD) comes in.

CMAD is an annual celebration held on the fourth Monday of January to recognize and honor the valuable contributions of community managers worldwide. But what exactly does a community manager do, and why do they deserve our appreciation? Let’s dive in.

The evolution of community management

The role of the community manager has evolved significantly since its origins in the early days of the internet. In the 1990s, online communities began to emerge on bulletin board systems and early social networks like Prodigy and America Online. The people responsible for moderating these communities were known as “sysops” or “community leaders.”

As online communities have grown and diversified, so too have the responsibilities of community managers. Today, they wear many hats, including:

  • Developing and implementing community strategies
  • Creating and curating engaging content
  • Moderating discussions and enforcing community guidelines
  • Providing customer support and troubleshooting issues
  • Analyzing community metrics and reporting on performance
  • Acting as a liaison between the community and the brand or organization

In short, community managers are the jack-of-all-trades that keep online communities thriving.

A day to say thanks

Community Manager Appreciation Day was founded in 2010 by Jeremiah Owyang, a social media industry analyst, as a way to recognize the hard work and dedication of community managers. Why the fourth Monday of January? It’s a symbolic choice - just as community managers are always there to support their communities, CMAD is there to support them at the start of each new year.

But really, every day should be Community Manager Appreciation Day. These professionals work tirelessly, often behind the scenes, to create the online communities we know and love. They’re the friendly face that welcomes new members, the patient voice that guides discussions, and the steady hand that keeps everything on track.

Celebrating the community management rockstars

So how can you show your appreciation for the community managers in your life? Here are a few ideas:

  1. Give a social media shoutout: Use the hashtags #CMAD and #CMGR to share your gratitude on Twitter, LinkedIn, or your platform of choice. A simple “thank you” can go a long way!

  2. Write a heartfelt message: Whether it’s an email, a handwritten note, or a post on their community forum, take a moment to express your appreciation for their hard work.

  3. Attend or organize an event: Many cities with thriving tech scenes, like Boston, Austin, and San Francisco, hold meetups and events on CMAD. Check to see if there’s one happening near you, or consider organizing your own!

  4. Pay it forward: The best way to honor the spirit of CMAD is to embody the values of a great community manager yourself. Be kind, be helpful, and be appreciative of others in your online communities.

When is Community Manager Appreciation Day?

Community Manager Appreciation Day falls on the fourth Monday of January each year. Here are the dates for the next five years:

Year Date
2025 January 27
2026 January 26
2027 January 25
2028 January 24
2029 January 22

A year-round celebration

While CMAD is a great opportunity to shine a spotlight on community managers, our appreciation shouldn’t be limited to one day a year. These hardworking professionals deserve our support and gratitude every day.

So let’s make a commitment to celebrate the community managers in our lives all year round. Whether it’s through kind words, helpful actions, or simply being a positive presence in their communities, we can all play a part in making their jobs a little bit easier.

And if you’re a community manager yourself, know that you’re appreciated. Your work matters, even if it sometimes feels thankless. Keep up the great work, and don’t forget to take a moment to celebrate your own accomplishments on CMAD and beyond.

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