Guides Set up Discord onboarding for new members

Set up Discord onboarding for new members

Last updatedJuly 30, 2024
AuthorKai Forsyth

If you run a Discord community, you know that your new members’ first interactions are absolutely crucial. You want them to instantly feel welcomed, quickly understand what your community is all about, and start meaningfully engaging right away. That’s where Discord’s powerful Community Onboarding features come into play.

Community Onboarding empowers you to craft a personalized joining experience that thoughtfully guides new members through your server’s unique channels, roles, rules, and culture. By shaping a custom onboarding flow, you help every new joiner find their place in your community from the very start.

The impact of effective Discord onboarding can’t be overstated. When executed well, it has the power to:

  • Significantly boost new member engagement and retention
  • Reduce confusion and support inquiries from lost newcomers
  • Reinforce your community’s distinct personality and values
  • Instantly make new members feel like welcomed, valued participants
  • Equip newcomers with the context and connections to start contributing right away

In short, nailing your Discord onboarding flow transforms new members from cautious lurkers into confident, engaged community members. And that, in turn, cultivates a vibrant, cohesive community built for the long haul.

In this guide, we’ll walk step-by-step through leveraging Discord’s Community Onboarding toolkit to design an onboarding experience that wows. We’ll cover everything from pre-join prep like safety checks to crafting the perfect Server Guide. By the end, you’ll have a complete blueprint for an Discord onboarding flow that informs, delights, and sets every newcomer up for success.

Getting started with Community Onboarding

To dive into Community Onboarding setup, navigate to your Server Settings and look for the Onboarding tab under Community. If it’s not visible, first make sure your server is in Community mode by going to Server Settings, then Enable Community.

Designing your end-to-end onboarding flow will be a five-step process:

  1. Safety Check
  2. Default Channels
  3. Customization Questions
  4. Server Guide
  5. Review and Enable

We’ll explore each of these steps in depth, but first, we need to ensure your server is secure and prepared for an influx of new members.

Step 1: Safety Check

Before opening your server to new members, it’s crucial to ensure you have robust safety measures in place. Discord provides several powerful tools to help safeguard your community, which you’ll configure in the first step of the Discord onboarding process.

Raid Protection and CAPTCHA

Start by reviewing your Raid Protection and CAPTCHA settings.

Enable Activity Alerts to receive notifications for DM or join activity that exceeds usual numbers for your server. Each alert will include details about the activity and number of joins/DMs.

You can also require CAPTCHA verification for suspicious accounts before they join and for all accounts during a suspected raid.

DM and Spam Protection

Next, head to the DM and Spam Protection settings.

Under Verification Level, select Low - Must have verified email on account to add a basic layer of verification for new members.

Enable Hide DMs from suspicious users to automatically filter suspicious DMs into a separate Spam Inbox, which members can review and report if needed.

Turn on Filter DMs from unknown users to hold unverified DMs in a Message Requests Inbox pending member approval. For the highest level of safety, check Accept the rules to require new members to agree to your rules before engaging.


Now, configure your AutoMod settings. Start by blocking commonly flagged spam phrases under Block Suspected Spam Content. Flag messages with profanity or slurs by setting up the Block Commonly Flagged Words filter.

Create your own custom word filters under Block Custom Words to catch server-specific problematic phrases, with options to block messages, send alerts, and time out offending members.

Automatically filter media messages from specific channels using the Explicit image filter (this must be enabled in your Server Settings to show up here).


Finally, review your channel and role Permissions.

If not already required, consider turning on 2FA for moderator actions like banning and kicking members. Ensure @everyone has appropriate view and post permissions in your welcome and rules channels, but restrict access to moderator-only areas.

Remember, you can revisit these same safety settings anytime in Server Settings, under Safety Setup in the Moderation section, not just during initial onboarding. This allows you to continually adapt your safety precautions as your community evolves.

By carefully configuring these safety measures, you dramatically reduce the risk of spam, raids, and inappropriate content, creating a secure foundation on which to welcome new members. With this crucial first step complete, you can confidently move forward in your Discord onboarding setup.

Step 2: Default Channels

Now that your safety settings are configured, it’s time to choose which channels new members will see upon joining.

Community Onboarding provides two setup modes for Default Channels: Regular and Advanced.

Regular Mode: Simplified Default Channel Setup

Regular Mode offers a streamlined way to designate your Default Channels:

  • You must select at least 7 channels in total
  • A minimum of 5 of those channels must have @everyone permission to view and post
  • Toggle channels on/off directly in your server’s channel list to mark them as Default
  • Easily track how many channels you’ve selected in each category (Text, Voice, etc.)

Advanced Mode: Granular Channel Control & Pre-join Questions

Advanced Mode provides a more customized approach to Default Channels:

  • Select your Default Channels within each channel category for a clearer overview
  • Identify which channels have limited visibility (like #moderator-only) and choose whether to include them
  • Get instant feedback on your progress, with alerts if you don’t meet the 7 channel/5 chattable channel requirements
  • Handle all your Default Channel decisions in one central interface

In addition to fine-tuned Default Channel control, Advanced Mode unlocks the power of Pre-join Questions. These allow you to learn about new members’ interests and automatically assign additional channels and roles based on their responses.

To avoid overwhelming new joins, aim for 3-5 concise Pre-join Questions. Each question should have a specific purpose and clearly connect to the channels and roles granted by each answer.

Some impactful Pre-join Question formats:

  • “What are your primary interests? Choose up to 3!" Answers grant relevant topic channels (Sports, Gaming, Music, etc.).
  • “What’s your skill level with [your community focus]?" Answers like Novice, Practiced, Expert assign corresponding leveled roles.
  • “What do you want to do here? Select all that apply:" Answers like Make Friends, Collaborate, Learn, Share Content provide access to aligned channels/roles.
  • “Do you accept our community rules?" Single mandatory Yes/No answer to confirm rules agreement before joining.

As you create your questions, clearly map which channels and roles tie to each potential answer. These will be automatically assigned based on members’ responses.

To provide extra context, you can add a short description under each answer. Keep it brief to maintain a smooth answering experience.

Mark critical questions like rules acceptance as required before joining. For more flexible questions, let members change their answers later to adjust as needed.

Whether you choose Regular or Advanced Mode, thoughtfully selecting your Default Channels (and Pre-join Questions, if using Advanced Mode) empowers you to craft a dynamic, personalized onboarding experience that strategically exposes new members to your community’s most valuable and relevant spaces from the start.

Step 3: Customization questions

This step looks quite different depending on whether you’re in Regular or Advanced Mode. Let’s break down the unique question setup process for each mode.

Regular Mode: Pre-join and Post-join Questions

In Regular Mode, you’ll configure both your Pre-join and Post-join Questions in the “Customization Questions” section.

Pre-join Questions appear before new members join your server. Use these to:

  • Assign important channels and roles based on responses
  • Ensure new members agree to your server rules
  • Get key info to personalize their onboarding experience

Post-join Questions display on the Channels & Roles page after a member joins. These are great for:

  • Gathering optional bonus info about new members
  • Prompting key onboarding actions like introductions or channel subscriptions
  • Assigning vanity roles or opt-in notifications based on answers

You’ll see a preview of all your questions, with Pre-join Questions listed first. To add a new question, click the Add a Question button and choose whether it should be asked before or after joining.

If any public channels are missing from your Customization Questions and Default Channels, you’ll see an alert. Make sure to assign all key channels to ensure a smooth onboarding flow.

Advanced Mode: Post-join Questions only

In Advanced Mode, the Customization Questions step only includes Post-join Questions. You’ll set up your Pre-join Questions separately in the Pre-join Questions & Default Channels section.

Post-join Questions appear in the #onboarding channel after a member joins. These questions help you:

  • Learn more about your new members’ interests and goals
  • Direct them to take important first steps in your community
  • Assign self-selected roles for things like notifications or channel access

To create a Post-join Question, click Add a Question and select either Multiple Choice or Open Text format.

For Multiple Choice questions, you can specify roles to grant for each answer choice. This lets you automatically assign things like pronoun roles, regional roles, or opt-in content access based on members’ responses.

Open Text questions give members more freedom to share information in their own words. These are great for prompts like “What’s a fun fact about you?" or “Why did you decide to join our community?"

As you’re setting up your Post-join Questions, you’ll see an alert if any public channels are missing from your questions or Default Channel selection. Make sure every key channel is accounted for between these two sections.

Regardless of mode, these questions are your chance to collect valuable member insights and spur early engagement. Aim for a blend of playful ice-breakers and prompts that guide key next steps.

Some ideas to inspire your questions:

  • “Where in the world are you joining from?" Build regional channels/roles based on answers.

  • “What’s a fun fact about you?" Spark conversation and encourage member intros.

  • “React to unlock [perk/channel]!" Grant bonus access for engaging with a message.

  • “Say hello in #intros!" Prompt new members to introduce themselves.

  • “What are your pronouns?" Let members self-select pronoun roles.

Feel free to mix Multiple Choice and Open Text answer types to add variety. You can also assign roles based on specific responses, perfect for things like opt-in notifications or content access.

The key is striking a balance between collecting need-to-know details and keeping the question flow concise and frictionless. Aim for 3-5 thoughtful questions that paint a helpful picture of your new members without bogging them down.

With your Customization Questions locked in, you’ve added a powerful layer of personalization to your Discord onboarding flow. New members will feel seen, understood, and equipped to dive in from day one. Now, let’s bring it all together with a killer Server Guide.

Step 4: Server Guide

Your Server Guide is the ultimate resource for newcomers to learn about your community and get involved. It’s like a friendly, interactive handbook that orients members and sets them up for success. The Server Guide consists of four key components:

Welcome Sign

The Welcome Sign is the first thing new members see when they open your Server Guide. It’s your chance to make a stellar first impression and set the tone for their entire onboarding experience.

To create a Welcome Sign that wows:

  • Use a visually engaging banner image that reflects your community’s vibe
  • Keep your welcome message concise but warm and energetic
  • Emphasize what makes your community special and why you’re excited to have them join
  • Encourage them to check out the New Member To-Dos and Resource Pages below

If design isn’t your forte, don’t sweat it! User-friendly tools like Canva offer tons of pre-made templates you can customize to create a professional-looking Welcome Sign in minutes.

New Member To-Dos

The New Member To-Dos section is your chance to guide newcomers toward key actions that will help them get settled and start engaging. It appears directly under your Welcome Sign for maximum visibility.

Aim for 3-5 simple, specific tasks that give an overview of your community’s core activities. For example:

  1. Read through our #rules and #faq
  2. Introduce yourself in #intros
  3. Grab a color role in #roles
  4. Vote in our weekly #poll
  5. Say hi in #general chat!

Think of the New Member To-Dos as a bite-sized roadmap for navigating your space. Keep the descriptions clear and actionable, and don’t be afraid to inject some personality!

Resource Pages

Resource Pages let you transform your most important info channels into sleek, easily digestible pages right within your Server Guide. They’re perfect for content you want members to be able to reference at any time without cluttering up your channel list.

Some ideal candidates for Resource Pages:

  • #rules and #faq for easy rule checks and common question answering
  • Staff directory or #contact-info so members know who to reach out to for help
  • #role-info explaining what each role means and how to earn them
  • #event-schedule or #upcoming-events to keep members in the loop on community happenings

To keep your Resource Pages skimmable:

  • Break up text with clear headings, bullet lists, and plenty of white space
  • Incorporate relevant images, emojis, and other visuals to add interest and break up walls of text
  • Link out to other key resources or channels where members can learn more

Server Guide Banner

The Server Guide Banner is an optional but impactful way to add some visual pizzazz to your guide. It appears at the top of the page, above even your Welcome Sign.

Some tips for an eye-catching Server Guide Banner:

  • Stick to simple, high-contrast designs that will look good at small sizes
  • Incorporate your server name, icon, or other recognizable branding
  • Use colors and imagery that complement your Welcome Sign banner for a cohesive look
  • Keep any text minimal and highly legible against your background

The recommended banner dimensions are 1920×480, but don’t worry about getting it pixel-perfect. Discord will automatically resize your image to fit the available space.

From your Welcome Sign to your New Member To-Dos and Resource Pages, every element of your Server Guide is an opportunity to inform, engage, and delight your newest members. Invest the time upfront to polish each piece and infuse it with your unique community personality.

Remember, your Server Guide isn’t a static resource! As your community grows and evolves, make a habit of periodically reviewing and updating your Guide content to keep it accurate and fresh. A little ongoing maintenance will ensure your Server Guide remains an indispensable resource for newcomers and veterans alike.

Step 5: Review and Enable

You’ve arrived at the final stretch! Before releasing your Discord onboarding into the wild, comb back through each component with a critical eye:

Safety settings locked and loaded? Default channels lined up, totaling at least 7 with 5 or more chatting enabled? Pre-join questions cover core options without going overboard? Server Guide polished with a welcoming sign, actionable to-dos, and helpful page content?

Once you’ve double (and triple) checked, it’s time for a live test drive. Hit that Preview button to simulate the full onboarding flow. Assume the role of a fresh recruit and join your own server, taking diligent notes on any clunky or confusing elements that need ironing out.

After a few tweaks and a final review, take a deep breath and smash that Enable button. Your onboarding is now live! Every wide-eyed new member will be individually guided through your carefully crafted experience from the moment they join.

But wait, your onboarding adventure doesn’t end there! In fact, it’s only the beginning. The key to a truly outstanding onboarding lies in continuous iteration - collecting data, gathering feedback, and making ongoing optimizations. Some key practices to embrace:

  • Regularly review new member join and retention rates
  • Watch for dead ends - channels or roles that are consistently ignored
  • Survey recent joiners on their onboarding experience and suggestions
  • A/B test tweaks to your questions to see impact on responses and engagement
  • Continually evolve your Server Guide to keep pace with your community

Wisdom for the journey ahead

As you embark on building out (and continually refining) your Discord onboarding flow, keep these north stars in sight:

Start small, then expand. Resist the temptation to roll out an overly complex onboarding from the jump. Particularly for newer or growing communities, simpler is often better. Kick off with a handful of must-have default channels, 2-3 carefully chosen pre-join questions, and a streamlined Server Guide. Then let real member behavior and feedback guide your onboarding’s evolution.

When in doubt, choose clarity. Put yourself in a newcomer’s shoes - it’s a lot to take in! Opt for straightforward language in your channel names, question phrasing, and instructions. Any momentary confusion risks a frustrated exit. Particularly in these early interactions, crystal clear communication is key.

Let your community’s identity shine. If your onboarding feels generic, you’ve missed an opportunity. Whether your vibe is laid-back gaming pals or amped up fandom nerds, sprinkle that distinctive personality throughout. From your welcome banner to your custom questions, each touchpoint should scream “this is who we are!". An authentic identity goes miles in attracting (and keeping) members who’ll mesh with your culture.

Your onboarding journey begins

A thoughtfully crafted Discord onboarding flow is hands down your most powerful tool for transforming curious newcomers into enthusiastic regulars. With the Community Onboarding toolkit as your canvas and the proven principles in this guide as your brushstrokes, you’re equipped to mastermind a joining experience that wows, informs, and sets every new member up for long-term community success.

But always remember, building that just-right onboarding is a journey, not a destination. Approach it with a forever-student mentality. Your version 1 will be solid, but your version 10, guided by actual member insights? That’s where the magic happens.

So start small, stay open to feedback, and never stop experimenting. With each enhancement and iteration, you’re one step closer to the ultimate goal: an onboarding experience that doesn’t just introduce your community, but makes every newcomer feel truly welcomed and pumped to be a part of it.

Now, it’s time to take the leap. Set aside a few hours, pull up your server settings, and start tinkering with your first onboarding flow. Will it be perfect? Nope. But it will lay the foundation for an evolving experience that, with care and continuous refinement, will become a core catalyst for your community’s growth and success.

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